1. From the sensor's Summary screen, select the Settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

2. Scroll down to Calibrate Sensor and tap.

3. To begin the calibration process, tap the Calibrate button. You can also tap the Learn More button to access an FAQ about calibration.

4. From this screen, you can choose which calibration technique you want to use by tapping either the 1 Point or 2 Point buttons. If you do not have a Boveda Calibration Kit, you can purchase one by tapping the Buy One button. For a 2 Point calibration, tap Yes, 2 Point.

5. Instructions are provided on how to setup the calibration, but for more information on using the kit, tap Learn More. In a 2 Point Calibration, the first calibration point will be performed at 75% RH. Once the sensor is in the sealed 75% RH calibration kit bag, tap I'm Ready, Start.

Ready Screen 2-point

6. The calibration has now started and must continue for a full 24 hours.

24 Hour Screen 2-point

7. As the calibration progresses, the App counts down the time remaining. The App will let you know when the calibration has completed.

Countdown Screen

8. When the calibration at 75% RH completes, instructions will be displayed to place the sensor in the 32% RH calibration kit bag. Once the sensor is in the sealed 75% RH calibration kit bag, tap I'm Ready, Start.

Begin 32% Calibration Screen

9) The calibration has now started for the second calibration point and must continue for another full 24 hours.

24 Hour Screen 2

10. As the calibration progresses, the App counts down the time remaining. The App will let you know when the calibration has completed.

Countdown Screen 2

11. When the calibration finishes, tap the OK button.

Calibration Finished 2 Screen

12. The calibration Summary screen will appear next showing the information for the calibration. To view the offset applied to the RH, tap the Customize button.

Calibration Summary 2 Screen

13. The High Point and Low Point Offsets will be displayed. Tap the Back button in the upper left hand corner of the screen to exit calibration.

 Calibration Offset 2 Screen